Short Breaks
Short Breaks
We work closely with our local authorities Children’s services and Disability Teams to ensure all children and young people get the very best care and support.
Disabled children and young people have the right to be supported at home and in their local communities, to have opportunities to meet and make friends, feel confident, and to thrive with a good family life.
Short breaks help to do this by giving an opportunity for children and young people to meet new people, take part in activities, enjoy positive learning opportunities, and have different experiences whilst giving their families a break from their caring responsibilities.
They can last a few hours, a whole day, evening, overnight or for a whole weekend, or during the school holidays. They can take place at home, in the community or in a residential setting.
This could be for a limited time to help a child join in with an activity until they can attend independently, or ongoing depending on their individual needs.
Support is also available in the home through short breaks, either to offer a child or young person’s parents additional support while they are there or to allow family members to take a break from their caring role.