Emergency Care

Emergency Care
– SWIS offer bespoke support to meet all needs including ‘Out of hours’ crisis support.
– We offer overnight, and 24-hour staffed services which includes waking/sleeping night support staff with an on-call Manager who is always available to support enquiries. We can also offer support to foster placements, hospitals, emergency temporary placements and supportive living accommodation.
– Staff work in an intensive way together with specialist agencies to ensure there is a wraparound service that meets all the needs of the more vulnerable young people.
The service is led by the needs of the young person and is tailored to them while working within the aims and objectives. This support can include accompanying young people to Court, CAMHS/GP appointments and ensuring they are signed up to health and well-being appointments.
How our services help young people?
We have a team of professionally qualified staff team who have the expertise in child sexual exploitation, drugs and alcohol, mental health and complex and additional needs which may impact on stability of placements.
We have a proven track record of supporting local authorities in delivering a wide range of interventions to achieve the best possible outcomes both short and long term for children and young people 0 – 25 years old.
Direct Payments
Our services are available to parents/carers directly, who may be seeking additional support / respite by using their Direct Payments.
A direct payment is arranged by the Local Authority to give parents/carers flexibility and control to meet their families own care needs.
Our Senior Management Team is always on hand to discuss potential packages of support.